Neora ShemShaul

cyberculture and open source

cyberculture and open source

teaching in Shenkar 2004-08
impact of the net - semesterial course, 04-08
introduction to VR - semesterial course, 03-04
VR project - 2004
link to shenkar college - design & engineering
editor of magazines & periodicals
'zombit' computer youth magazine - 94-97
'galileo' scientific periodical - 2003
'physicaplus' online editor of IPS magazine - 04-08
column writer
haaretz - column in captain internet
globes - spider woman - weekly columm
globes - digital culture supplement - monthly column
reshet magazine - industry news items
banking magazine - on computer crimes and online banking
selected lectures
google/open source - 2007
women / technology - 2006
art / open source - 2005
melilla - tech/mystique - 2004
ucl - 3d active spaces - 2003
interactive tv - 2002
teaching in 3d worlds - 2001
cyberculture heroes - 2000
cyber culture - ascola tv series - 1998
teaching in Tel-Aviv Univ 98-03
cyber culture & technology - year course
virtual communities - semesterial seminar
net impact on cinema and tv - semesterial course
automatic translation - semesterial course
selected published articles
masa acher - cyber india, virtual trips, trance tribe
DNJ - developers network journal - articles in english
globes - cyberculture articles in enlish
nashim - women magazine - hedonism, fetish
ha-ir, shishi, ort technologies...