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DAGSTUHL, 2002  
aesthetic computing workshop - my approach, based on culture_distinction
	{software, as art, is means of creating and broadcasting ideas, --> similarities and relations of both
	 when examining aesthetics (function_copyright/copyleft
	{aesthetics of our environments is culture based and influenced by social changes & culture fluctuations
	{the web hosts 2 cultures (thus aesthetic elements):
	 // this distinction can be shown on web evolution of text based and 2d since the 80's
	 define global_sub_culture(1) == top-down_culture;
	 define top-down_culture: elite, commercial, money&power oriented, centralized, hierarchical, close...;
	 define examples(top-down_culture): hollywood, ms, aol, nyse...;
	 define aesthetics(top-down_culture): limit users functionality and details, hi-price/hi-color/hi-resolution,
					      pr minded, patent oriented;
	 define global_sub_culture(2) == bottom-up_culture;
    	 define bottom-up_culture: open, distributed, community oriented, security minded, identity watch_dog;
	 define examples(bottom-up_culture): hackers, games, artists, porno...;
		//as opposed to classic "popolus diffusion" culture theories, cyberculture popolus is professional elite
	 define aesthetics(bottom-up_culture): functional, code elegant, skinable, hooks to text, free/open libraries, 
					       script_lang admiration, meta rating mechanisms, simple/algorithmic graphics;
	{community oriented and for the community - as opposed to showing off and selling better...
	 as in [home-brew pc's, chip paintings, rfc's, irc, slashdot, sourceforge...]

Networked Electronic Observation and Repair Android
This image was created by C.Y.B.O.R.G. algorithm.
I am not a lisp machine, but this is the "code" of my culture_distinction based thoughts... not (yet) a proven theory, but rather a suggested approach for research, derived from & based on MY experience.
from aesthetics of hackers & gaming ===> to 3D/VR web based future
Paul Fishwick suggests that we can use science fiction (e.g. star trek) to guess how 3D/VR web based
systems will look like, 5-10 years from now, assuming broadband and cpu become cheaper and faster. 
I'd like to refine this statement, and to suggest an approach on how to do this, based on culture 
distinction, by examining current state of gaming industry and 3d/VR hackers communities, assuming 
they represent important factor, as shown to be true in text/2d transition process.

function guess_what()
if {
	(sci-fi [e.g. star-trek] = top-down_elements (hollywood) + bottom-up_elements (hackers, gaming industry);
	(status [3d/vr web based today] = status [2d/text web based in the 80's and 90's]);
	examine current [3d/vr web based];
	predict future [3d/vr web based];

timeline aesthetics of bottom_up aesthetics of top_down ________________________________________________________________________________ 80's bbs design - basically hackers oriented 90's text based and 2d sites, graphic browsers ms not playing significant part, (neither in standards nor in industry). ======= \\ \\ ========> commercial web 2k text/2d/streaming hybrid influences - bottom_up & top_down <<================>> cross_culture: flash, java, xml... music - mp3, peer2peer games - doom, quakeII - open!! interactive tv - walled garden vs. closed garden porno/cellular - On-the-go porn 3d web based (Plastic Planet,Bruce Damer,3D Cafe) ======= \\ \\ ========> ?????????? Star-Trek 3D convention NYSE-VR vs. NYSE Marketrac -- back_to_code --

This is not (yet) a proven theory, but rather a suggested approach for research, derived from & based on MY:
- experience working for big-corporate (cdc, digital, projects for NewYorkStockExchange...)
- involvement with israeli hackers community (y2hack.com, magaf.org...)
- cyberculture teachings in TAU, BeitBerl school of Art and Open University (digicult.net)
- web design of
     art museums (Gutman Museum, Childrens museum...), art projects (Stockhauzen to Trance music, Ayuni - telepresence...)
     algorithmic based interfaces (Nano Institute work in progress...)
     3D/VR community oriented worlds for (EDU and commercial applications)

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